V: 1st Annual Women's Exhibition
Program type:
Friday, July 6, 2018 - 6:00pm to Friday, July 27, 2018 - 4:00pm
“25,000 years ago, on the banks of the Danube River in Austria, a woman looked down at her own body and constructed a model reflective of her perspective. This was the Venus of Willendorf. Lumpy, faceless, almost monstrous, she stands in stark contrast to the male-oriented, refined, idealized female form omnipresent in Western art history.”
-Bella Freedman
This exhibition features women artists whom we've asked to share their perspectives through artistic expression. This exhibit is a collective voice of women for women.
Raw (Radically Aligned Women) Opening Ceremony 6:30PM
- Jacquelyn Flowers (http://www.jacquelynflowers.com)
- Meidor Hu: Is an interdisciplinary artist comfortable moving from paint, print, drawings or installations. Before returning to teach at Hawaii Community College and UHH, Hu worked as a graphic designer and consultant across a broad range of design-related projects in the San Francisco Bay area. She currently teaches traditional studio art classes and digital media classes here at HawCC. Meidor received a BA from University of Hawaii at Hilo and an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. Her work on interdisciplinary projects has been displayed locally at the Hawaii State Museum, The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu Academy of Arts and in the continental U.S. Her research is in the deconstruction of colors, patterns and meanings in Chinese opera painted faces. She is interested in the dislocation/relocation of the figure with painted face from the artifice of the stage to the natural environment of landscape.
- Susan Schultz (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/susan-m-schultz)
*Exhibit Contains Nudity*