Outlook: Photography Exhibition
These responsive photographs are reminiscent of time and place, framing a perspective of people to the landscape they live within. This collection of work from individual artists impart insight of the social participation, conscious and unconscious, with place. Each image inquires how the human element develops or poses obstacles for the dissemination of culture and visceral knowledge of land, our collective home.
Philip Jung (http://www.jungphil.com/)
Andrzej Kramarz (http://www.akramarz.com/)
Laurel Schultz (http://
Minny Lee (http://www.minnylee.com/)
Opening reception Friday June 1st at 6-9PM
- 5:30-6PM is Koto music by So-shin Kai!
- 6:15: Artists talks
Read the article in the Tribune Herald Click Here!
Minny Lee: Artist Statement
I consider photography as visual poetry. I am more drawn to its ability to transcend time and place. I constantly revisit personal memories and history through my photography, reflecting on my inner self. I am interested in the coexistence between the past and present, dream and reality, and absence and presence. Incidental moments during the passing of time and their surreal qualities and tensions between what is real and imagined are what I seek to convey in my work, taking the viewer elsewhere. In Far Eastern traditions, one takes a humble journey to discover the world and eventually oneself. My photographs and art practice run parallel to this path. I like to follow my intuition and go deeper, away from the “here and now,” free to respond to what is visceral in life. When exhibiting my work, I seek to create an immersive and sensory experience, transporting my own experiences and thoughts to the viewer.
Laurel Schultz: Artist Statement
Hawaii is the most remote population center on earth, thousands if miles from the nearest major land mass; it is a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean. Here the ocean is an ever-present fact of life. Once a swimmer is in the water, the strength and immensity of this saline body are never far from mind. Beneath the waves there is another world. Fingers of strong sunlight reach down and taper off into blue blackness. The undersurface is a mirror that reflects the reef or black depths below. Sand erupts into storm clouds, plankton clings to the surface or slowly filters down in tiny particles cradled and rocked by unimaginably powerful forces.