ʻO ke au i kāhuli, wela ka honua
At the time that turned the heat of the earth
The time when the earth was hotly changed
the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
CURATOR: Kanani Daley
Co-Curator: Marcia Timboy
EXHIBITION ON-VIEW DATES: April 6 - May 25th, 2018
Bernice Akamine
Roen Hufford
Carl F.K. Pao
Hanalei Marzan
The concept is to exhibit artists who are native born and have been raised with cultural and spiritual values that empower their work today. Contemporary thought and visual imagery are encouraged to inquire about the changes that have impacted native Hawaiians and native culture, to also seek which values should be preserved and what perceptions could be altered to facilitate a healthy evolution as natives, non natives, and a mixed ethnic and cultural community.
The exhibition has two fundamental purposes. One is to embody, ‘A‘ohe pau ka ‘ike i ka hālau ho‘okahi - All knowledge is not learned in just one school. Through exposure of culturally relevant art works made by native Hawaiians,an understanding of native Hawaiian culture can be offered to our community.
The second is to enhance the experience of culture through craft - E ho‘ohuli ka lima i lalo.Turn the hands down.[When the palm of the hands face down they are occupied and productive.] Artists chosen to participate in this exhibit have knowledge of Hawaiian history and/or historic cultural craft - such as kapa making.The intent is to seek a balanced perspective and appreciation of pre-colonized and current cultural values through a visual and interactive experience. In conjunction with the exhibition, workshops for youth and artist talks will be open to the community, led by the participating artists.
10:30 -2:30pm: Lei making with Uakoko Lei Poʻo
12:30pm: Opening: Oli (Hawaiian Chant) by Kumu Kekoa Harman
12:45pm: Performance by Peter Rockford Espiritu
1:15pm Artist Talks: Roen Hufford and Carl F.K.Pao (gallery)